Back from South Muiron

Wow, keeping this blog up to date is proving to be a bit of an undertaking. No comms except text messages from the island, and then only in specific wind conditions!

We left Exmouth marina on Tuesday at 06h30 for the 1hr run to the island. Josh Bruynzeel the skipper piloting “OnStrike”; the kind of professionalism and finicky detailing that sets you at ease straight away! You can’t go wrong surrounding yourself with those types, especially when you’re doing something like this.

Packing the kit onboard

Landing on the island – easy peasy!

Camp all setup and into the tackle preparing for the first session early in the morning.

Conditions were flat calm for two days – no wind and the sea was like a lake and it was really hot. After setting camp in the dunes we headed off for our first fishing session. Small GT’s were in abundance; we must have caught more than 100 on day 1. Drew took a nice 3kg Spangled Emperor late in the afternoon so we had fish and beans with bread for dinner; tasted great.

Drew’s a 6’7″ chap with hands like baseball mitts – this is a good fish on light tackle in the reef!

The deep point on the North with so much promise! I expected to get a hiding here, it was just a matter of time. Spun for Mackerel, Queenies and GT’s. A few small GT’s like this one above, also saw several big Queenies and one GT in the 30-35kg class that tried to eat Mike’s smaller fish. Generally the fish were very slow and shy.

Dinner on the beach, night 1.

Mike landed this 1m+ Queenie late on Day 2

Purple Threadfin Bream (Pentapodus Emeryii) – one of two species we could not identify in the field. Won’t forget it now!

Some scenery shots from the middle of South Muiron island. Flats fishing heaven…..

Josh coming to get us out of Dodge! The choppy shorebreak made for an interesting transfer back onto the boat.
Back by midday, we headed to the “Fenceline” in the afternoon. I took 3 nice Golden Trevally and then this 3kg Spanglie grabbed my plastic just at last light – dinner!

Overall South Muiron island was a great adventure – fantastic natural scenery and we had idyllic weather for the most part.
I could do that again.

2 Responses to Back from South Muiron

  1. Annie G - Mike's wife says:

    Why didn’t you post about Mikes nice queen fish?

  2. Des. says:

    Pity, although the weather was good fishing appears to have been a little dissappointing, a lot of effort for not much reward. Hope you have better fishing for the rest of the excursion.

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